180+ Famous Quotes about staying positive - Part 1

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Famous Quotes about staying positive


1. You Can do It If You believe You can

2. No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes.-Napoleon Hill

3. If you must slander someone,don't speak it - but write it- write it in the sand, near the water's edge.

- Napoleon Hill

4. It is a well known fact that the more one tries to reach a subject the more he learns about that subject.

5. Don't be afraid of a little opposition. Remember that the 'kite' of success generally rises against the wind of adversity - not worth it.

6. To believe in the heroic makes heroes. - Disraeli

7. If you do not believe in co-operation,look what happens to a wagon that loses a wheel.

8. Courage is the standing army of the soul which keeps it from conquest, pillage and slavery.

9. Never, in the history of the world has there been such abundant opportunity as there is now for the person who is willing to serve before trying to collect.

10. A man is half whipped the minute he begins to feel sorry for himself,or to spin an alibi with which he would explain away his defects.

11. The world Educate has its roots in the Latin world educo,which means to develop from within: to educe; to draw out; to grow through the law of use.

12. Power grows out of ORGANIZED KNOWLEDGE,but,mind you,it"grows out of it" through application and use.

13. An "educated" person is one who knows how to acquire everything he needs in the attainment of his main purpose in life,without violating the rights of his fellow men.

14. Seek the counsel of men who will tell you the truth about yourself. even if it hurts you to hear it.Mere commendation will not bring the improvement you need.

15. An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding; and it is not to be found in foreign lands,but in the heart itself. -Robert Louis Stevenson

16. The best rose bush,after all, is not that which has the fewest thorns, but that which bears the finest roses.-Henry van dyke

17. No person is 'educated' who has not at least a 'speaking acquaintance' with the law of compensation.-Emerson

18. By and large,there is no such thing;as 'something for nothing' In the long run you get exactly that for which you pay, whether you are buying an automobile or a loaf of bread.

19. Success is the development of the power with which to get whatever one wants in life without interfering with the rights of others.

20. If you can run a losing race without blaming your loss on someone else, you have bright prospects of success further down the road in life.

21. When you boys work together in a spirit of harmony you resemble the bundle of sticks,and no one can defeat you; but when you quarrel among yourselves anyone can defeat you one at a time.

22. Power is organized effort,as already been stated.Success is based upon power.

23. No position in life can be secure and no achievement can be permanent unless built upon truth and justice.

24. It is your privilage,your duty to aim high in life.You owe it to yourself and to the community in which you live to set a high standard for yourself.

25.There is much evidence to justify the belief that nothing within reason is beyond the possibility of attainment by the man whose definete chief aim has been well developed.

26. "Place all your eggs in one basket and then watch the basket to see that no one kicks it over"-Andrew Carnegie

27. The best compensation for doing things is the ability to do more.

28. Teamwork is the thing that wins.It is the same in the game of life.

29. The best known successful business men were all men of promp decision who worked always with one main, outstanding purpose as their chief aim.

30. Anyone can 'start', but only the through-bred will 'finish'.

31. The poverty consciousness is formed as the result of the habit of thinking of and fearing poverty."Lo! the thing I had feared had come upon me."

32. You have failed many times? How fortune! You ought to know,by now,some of the things not to do.

33. Every voluntary movement of the human body is caused,controlled and directed by thought,through the operation of the mind.

34. You are a contractor and builder,and like men who build houses out of mere wood and brick and steel,you must draw up a set of planes after which to shape your success building.

35. Success is built upon loyalty,faith,sincerity,co-operation and the other positive forces with which one must surcharge his environment.

36. The object of your definite chief aim should become your "hobby".You should ride his "hobby" continuously;you should sleep with it,eat with it,play with it,work with it,live with it and THINK with it.

37. Whatever you want you may get if you want it with sufficient intencity,and keep on wanting it,providing the object wanted is one within reason,and you ACTUALLY BELIEVE YOU WILL GET IT.

38. The doers are the believers in all walks of life.

39. Neglecting to broaden their view has kept some men doing one thing all their lives.

40. An occasional misfortune is a good thing.It remind us that no one has absolute independence.

41. Soon or late the man who wins is the man who thinking he can.

42. It is strange but true,that the most important turning points of life often come at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways.

43. If you demand success of yourself and back up this demand with intelligent action you are sure to win.

44.You have within you all the power you need with which to get whatever you want or need in this world,and about the best way to avail yourself of this power is to believe in yourself.

45. Day by day in every way I am becoming more successful.

46. You are a bright boy,and if you would go out and get a schooling you would make your mark in the world.

47. Others will believe in you only when you believe in yourself.

48. If you have Self-confidence those around you will discover this fact.Allow them to discover it.

49. Believe in yourself,but do not tell the world what you can do-show it!

50.The grass is always sweeter on the other side of the fence,says the jack-ass,as he stretches his neck in the attempt to get to it.

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