Let's learn about Git and GitHub from scratch

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Let's learn about Git and GitHub from scratch

Through this series of articles, we hope to bring about what Git and GitHub are and how to use them. As the first article, let's see what Version Control, Git and GitHub are.

Version Control

Version Control is a system that is used to track and manage the changes made in a code and through this get a record of the changes made in the code, develop together with other developers and develop in a way that does not cause any problems in several places of the project at the same time. Through this opportunity is available.


Git is the most popular Distributed Version Control System in the world and it was created by Linus Torvalds who you all know. The reason why this is so popular is that this system is able to handle any project, big or small, very fast and efficiently.

This works in a distributed way. That means every developer has the complete project and its code history. The advantage of this is that without having to rely on a central server, all developers can work offline and work together.


Here is something that many people do not understand. That means Git and GitHub are completely two.

Github is a Web Based Platform and Hosting Service for using Git and through this, Code Hosting, Version Control, Issue Tracking, Project Management and many other features have been provided. A number of developers around the world are using this to fulfill their needs and GitHub is making a big contribution to the future development of open-source projects by distributing repositories. GitHub is currently owned by Microsoft.


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