China built the world's first automatic horizontal cultivation

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China built the world's first automatic horizontal cultivation

 It is said that China has recently unveiled the world's first horizontal crop field operated by robotic technology. This farm has been built in the city of Chengdu in the southwestern province of Sichuan. This is called the 'Autonomous Veggie Factory'.

This farm factory has been designed by the Institute of Urban Agriculture (IUA), which operates under the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In particular, this concept of vertical farming has been identified as the future of global agricultural science and technology.

This efficient agricultural system is characterized by the ability to produce vegetables at all times of the year, built as a layered arrangement. Visible feature.

This new vertical farm built in China also has 20 floors. Today, it is the largest number of floors among vertical plantations in the world. Also, the technology used for this is the most advanced technology in the world, says the deputy head of the research institute that created this farm. Like other normal vertical farms, this one is also built at home. There, large shelves placed on top of each other are used for that, and the lighting is done by LED lights. Accordingly, this cultivation area is located on a 20-storey building and is similar to growing plants in rooms.

In particular, it is thought that this method can be used to produce food for urban areas as well as desert and wasteland areas. have Through that, the sustainable local food supply needed for the urban environment in the future, as well as the expansion of cultivated space, can be done. In this vertical cultivation field built in Wengdu using robotic technology, it is possible to produce lettuce in 35 days. The artificial intelligence based control system used here can provide the necessary light to the respective plants properly as well as supply the fertilizer properly. A smartphone app program is used for that.

Commenting on this, Wang Sen, a researcher at the China Institute of Urban Agriculture, said, "We have the ability to provide different red, blue, yellow, ultraviolet and near and near-infrared light here. Accordingly, this light is provided at different stages of the plant's life cycle. Here we have a database of about 1,300 light collections for 72 types of crops.” It is said.

Accordingly, these types of domestic farms are able to produce vegetables faster than areas with surrounding environment. “We can produce more than 10 vegetable crops every year. This is a very efficient method.”Also, according to the researchers, this farmland can also be used as a place to accelerate crop breeding. Accordingly, breeding time for crops such as wheat, cotton and soybeans is said to be reduced by 50%.


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