Don't miss ; Here is the Top 10 Reasons to Move to Canada

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move to canada imigrate

Do you want to move to Canada today ?There are a lot of reasons why Canada is a good place to live: if you enjoy multiculturalism, abundant natural resources, low violence and crime rates, balanced politics and – yes – hockey, there are more than a few reasons you should immigrate to Canada.In this post we are counting down or fix for the top 10 reasons to move to Canada.With this list we looking it reasons why you might want to the country North of the USA.To some outsiders Canada might seem like a magical place for beavers out number people it rains maple syrup and the streets payed with craft dinner.      

No 10: Multiculturalism in Canada

visit any major city in Canada, Toronto,Montreal and you feel like you taking a tour more than just one country. Neighborhoods like China town,little Italy and even Korea town in  Toronto can be found in those major cities and provide massive cultural experience for tourist and native a like.but every nationality in background imaginable is spread out rub the city is too.nothing absolute but when comes down to it,Most Canadians are afraid of diversity.
In fact 2015 and 2016 ,Canada under prime minister Justin Trudo welcome to 25,000 Syrian refugees to the country. Speaking of the PM Trudo cabinet proved to be diverse ever seen and Canadian politics.Having an equal number of men and women some I know it is and even former refugees.

No 9: Abundant Natural Resources in Canada

Did you know the without fresh water lakes.Canada would actually be smaller the united states where the Canada holds 7% of the world renewable water supply.The 3rd highest next to Brazilians rasha.That's because the country is known for its beautiful senories.With too many lakes,rivers,wetlands and steams to count.Not the mention that fact the northern territories are mostly snow and ice.
  in adition ,caneda has no shortage of Gold,Nickle,Diamond,Lead and Crud oil which means other country look to Canada first export of natural re souses.That helping Canada is economy to thrive.

No 8: Not Yet Overpopulated in Canada

   Non Canadian citizens asked to name place is in Canada will come up with well known cities like Toronto ,Montreal.let after know  next  to nothing about  the rest of the country What make me difficult is the out of the 36 million of people residing in the country only about 2.5 million make up population new the you cant the north west territories,prince edward island, Newfoundland and Labrador...etc.  
to put that an perspective, there are 13 million people living just in the province of Ontario. This city is may be crowded  but when you think of Canada as a whole there still plenty of unused space .Specially in the less populated areas for the North

No 7: Hockey in Canada

Canadian love their Hockey.When the game on TV you know what many canadian will be doing. Canada may be known nice and quite country but nothing can prepare you to see them after Hocky game end.When Canadian team looses right,When Canadian team wins more rights...😂 nead those to say Canadian takes their Hockey very seriously.

No 6: Canada’s Reputation

Moves and TV shows have a had of misrepresenting or least closely exatuarion Canadians stereotypes. And well it's unlikely that you see Canadians actually slather maple srup on everything. In fact Canadian typically find rumors that they living igloos right polar bears very amusing.since most seen or while polar bear in their life and probably never will

No 5: Low Violence and Crime Rates in Canada

 on ones no  even after believe the Canada, however friendly is without violence and crime.There are all two often incidence of theft humer side and ductions cross the country.But Canada looks like Disneyland compared to crime rate another countries.For instance in 2010 there were 554 cases of murdering Canada compared to 12,000 so on the US.around 25,000 in Mexico and top of the list is Brazil,with the approximately 40,000.Canada may not be perfect to one comes to violence crimes ,but What country is?.There may be some bad eggs living among them, but for the most part Canada has no room for hate.

No 4: Balanced Politics in Canada

Americans often threat to move t o Canada when politics at home are going their way.Because they think Canadians have better than they do.They don't know the half of it.for starters living in Canada  could I to your life.since the life expectancy is the among the highest of the world.landing somewhere in the top 10 in the fifteen at approximately 81 years old depending on the source.and their rocky mountain, freshly,warm specific cool in architect air might be contributing factors.Need to take time off  after having  a baby, no problem in Canada you can take almost a year off.Though if the two parents involved , this time would have to be share .Though you still be payed over 50% of your salary. Also Canada is a secular citizens the freedom to follow own  beliefs and life style in point ,gay marriage has been legal since 2005.A full decade before the United States.

No 3: Education in Canada

As 2014 Canada was the 7th most popular destination for International students.Why?Because young people from all over the world travel to Canada specifically to study their. McGrill university located in the city of Montreal.Is not only one of the top university is in the country ,it also typically rank within the top 30 universities in the world.Otherwise institutions like the university of Torano,and British Colombia are also praised for the excellence. International students mostly spend just as much onto  vision as where their came from.but for Canadian citizen vision casts are in sanely low.

No 2: Peacefull in Canada

Canadian are generally a happy lot..Canadian military if certainly considered world class.but Canadian grow up and country where people of different colors,cultural religion and sexuality  make up much of the population .If they have to fight they will,but peace ,kindness and exceptionce are most part of grain them from birth.In Canada tense to focus their energy more on peace keeping machine then all out war.

No 1: Free Heath care in Canada

So the term is rather misleading.Since health care in Canada is free per say .but it means is the since Canadians are pitching to words health care through taxes. The cost of health care becomes significantly cheaper.specific of coverage vary between provinces.But it is a rule of thumb  they get free clinic with sure inability lead a long wait time.But it's least long wait time show the people taking advantages of the system.In some other countries.waiting rooms are empty.because medical attention is too expensive. There are also limited coverage for vision and dental care.but we would really balls down to is that in Canada. The county's help is in the hand of it's citizen who are therefore able to get the care they deserve  to next to nothing.

Do you agree with our list,What your favorite thing about Canada? comment your Idea.

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