In this post we will show you what are Lemon water Benefits and how you make Lemon Water .We have a question for you ,If there was one thing just one thing that you can start doing first thing in the morning it would help you boost your energy ,help eliminate toxins from your body,help your digestive system work properly,boost your metabolism and help you burn fat.would you do it ?
Of course you would. And the best part is it takes less than one minute to do it.The key is to drink 8 ounces of warm lemon water first thing in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach.So in this post we going to share with you some of the amazing benefits of drinking lemon water and what it can do for you ,if you just start adding it to your daily routine and also show you how quick and easy lemon water make every morning.
But first ,What are some of the benefits of drinking lemon water ?
Improves Digestion
For one it kick-starts your digestive system first thing in the morning .And this is great for people to deal with constipation, indigestion or a lot of bloating issues.This is going to help regulate your bowel movement and keep things moving.
Detoxifies the Liver
Lemon water also helps to detoxify your liver.Lemons or when the most powerful food that's going to help cleanse your liver and flush out toxins from your body rather than backing it up in your digestive system.It also increases liver function and increasing your metabolism.
Balances pH Levels
Lemons also help balance the pH levels.Your body function better when you're in an alkaline state vs acetic state.Unfortunately most people are in a more acetic state due to our diets that are cool sugar and grain and just the environment that we live in.So when we ingest lemons in our diet,It's actually going to help alkalize the body and keep it more alkaline state versus acetic state.
Lemons are considered one of the most alkaline foods that we can eat.So when we consume that whether it's through lemon water or just through your daily diet, it's actually gonna help out lies your body. the cool thing is that in its natural state Lemons actually actually acidic.however when we ingest, the Lemons our bodies actually metabolize it, into an alkalize food.
So these three things that We just mentioned combined are going to help you reduce fat.Because when are our digestive systems are working properly when our liver is detoxify in our body, and our bodies are in a more alkaline state. those three things combined are ultimately going to help reduce fat, which is just an added benefit.
And lastly We want to mention that lemon help boost your immune system.
Boost Immune System
Lemons are actually packed with vitamin C.So it's one of the quickest and easiest ways that you can boost your immune system and increase your energy.Okay,so enough of the benefits, let's start making some Lemon Water. We are going to show you how quick and easy it's really easy to do.So you wake up first thing in the morning, obviously moved back to put your temperature contacts and come into the Kitchen.There you want to have your warm water or room temperature water.You can choose the perfect.But We prefer warm water just because We think you're gonna have some extra added benefits to it.Will be easier on your digestive system.Either one is fine.You take half a lemon.We highly recommend you buying organic lemons.If you buy a organic try to buy lemons organic.Just because of the fact that we're trying to detoxify our bodies of toxins and were buying normal lemon that have been sprayed with herbicide and pesticide toxin.It just doesn't make sense that we're trying to eliminate toxins when we're just putting them right back in our bodies every try to buy organic.
How to make Lemon Water
There are so many different tools and lemon presses to get Juice from lemon.In here we use Juicer.Users out there your so try to find one just for this easier to do and We find that you get more lemon juice out of it.But if not you can do it the old-fashioned way which We'll show you in next.So what we are going to do is reduce lemon.
old-fashioned way to get Lemon Juice
Now ,if you don't have a lemon press and you just really want to get started tomorrow morning you don't have one that's fine.Take your half of Lemon.Make sure you cover your hand because this thing when you reduce it by hand is going to wear everywhere and the worst thing to happen is it set up in your eye.We weren't really bad so just choose your half lemon the only thing you have to watch for is the seeds will drop it.So you have to spoon those out.
Once you step on it,We recommend you wait 10 to 20 minutes before you eat breakfast or drink your coffee in the morning. Hopefully lemon water will help you get over your coffee, have it.But it's not have your coffee later after breakfast and that's It.
It's really that simple.So start drinking warm lemon water ,first thing in the morning and We guarantee you'll love the benefits of lemon water.