Obesity is a poor health condition caused by excessive body fat.It is an abnormal condition where the sufferer has no strength compared to the size.More than over eating of fatty foods the medical evidence is that it is associated with the excessive production of a chemical substance by the adrenal gland.It starts at young age.The complications of obesity are Diabetes and heart ailments.The obese people are lethargic and immovable.However this could be controlled to a certain extent if you are careful about your diet.Regular exercise necessary.You should follow the doctor's advise and take exercise as much as possible to avoid this situation.Benefits of avoiding obesity are an active,healthy life which helps to live long.
Common Cold
Many people get a cold every year.Cold weather merely does not make people get colds.A virus makes a person get colds.A virus is a very tiny germ.People pass cold germs to others by sneezing or coughing.Cough syrup and disprine or Paracetamol do not kill cold germs.Doctors have not yet found a cure for the common cold.the best treatment for a common cold is to rest until it is gone.Keep your body warm.Your arms and legs should be covered too.Avoid getting wet.Being wet makes a cold worse.Try to keep the air int the room fresh.The fresh air will make your nose and throat comfortable.You will find it easier to breathe.A common cold needs no medicine really.You have got to drink a lot of water,some lime juice or lemonade.Do not forget to avoid cold food and drink.After two or three days the cold will pass off.To avoid getting a cold stay away from people who have colds.This is the best advise of all.
Kind Words
Words have a lot of power.They can be used to bless,abuse,hurt,sooth or curse.The single word "Kill" given as an order can take the life of a man.Equally the command "Free" can let go a man to his freedom.Unkind words can do a lot of harm.Like wise good kind words do alot of good.Suppose if you utter some unkind words to a long time friend of yours.He/She may get hurt and the friendship may come to end.We can cheer up a sorrowful man with kind words.The unkind words uttered by some inconsiderate fool may deepen his sorrow.You need not spend money to sooth and comfort a sad heart.It could be done by kind words which won't cost you a cent.They are cheap,yet very effective and soothing.
kind words come out of a kind heart.Selfish and inconsiderate people find it hard to say kind words.Their hearts are insensitive to human feelings.Of course they have other feelings,but they are only concerned with their own self.Take a religious leader like Gautama Buddha.He has repeatedly stressed the importance of kind words.All the people that come to Buddha were welcomed by him with kind words.Most people whi came to him with sorrowful hearts were consoled by the Buddha's kind words.The word of these famous teachers were so effective because they forgot themselves and thought of other people.Kind words can never die.They are never forgotten.